Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Obsessed with GOOGLE

Its been a long time since i have been waiting to write a blog on Google. Especially after reading 2 Books more or less based on it : The Google Story , The Search. I will try to post a separate entry on the Reviews of these books but this post only broaches about Google - The company.
The title justifies what i feel & i can say with a lot of conviction most people in this world feel the same.
There is not a single day when i dont visit a google site. Be it google or gmail or orkut or blogger or trends or news etc. By visiting i mean actually use it in a meaningful way. This mountain view company has brought a sea of change in my life (might be the same with others). It has forced me to make a separate bookmark folder for all its services in my firefox borwser. Week after week (sometimes within a day) it comes out with new softwares which have the ability to change people's lives.
Foe instance, take my example. I have almost completely switched over to using Gmail than Yahoo Mail. Not just because of the storage but because of many other features which are not in other email services. At first, i was reluctant to use Gmail, but gradually i was enamored with it. Although Yahoo has introduced its new UI (which is quite cool by the way), but still it lacks some features such as the grouping of similar messages. And its been decades since i stopped using Hotmail for the simple reason of it being not HOT anymore. Then comes Orkut which is a social networking service from Google. I was able to find some 2-3 of my friends with its help. Friends whom i knew when i was in Class 2, but never seen after that. Wondrous isnt it ?
Then there is Google News, which has become a single news repository for a majority of people in this world (i can bet that). Google Maps (with local search) is one extremely useful service but sadly its currenlty for US & UK people only. I am insanely waiting for it to come to india.
These services are the most basic ones. Then there are many more viz. Google Calendar, Google Earth, Google Video, Google Desktop Search, Picasa, Blogger (through which i am writing this blog) which i think require a separate post.
And if i discuss the life changing effects of, then i can write a whole novel on it.
Although both Yahoo & Microsoft & other start-ups are trying to catch up with Google & they are doing it quite well, it still remains to be seen if these companies are successful in their attempts to attract a large chunk of online traffic.
All products from google can be found on this link :

1 comment:

Soham said...

abe get a hit counter for the blog..