Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Ten Vital Questions

Some of my friends have given me this task of identifying the ten important questions that a boy can ask a girl when he wants to find out if the girl can be his soul mate. This blog is the result of a discussion me and my friends were having last weekend related to arranged marriages.

Before I move on to the questions, I would like to clarify that I am doing this just for fun and this blog is not intended to mean anything to anyone. Also, this is a work in progress and not a definitive statement.
I would like to point out one more thing that there can never be a formula for identifying your soul mate. Because if there was one, then every eligible bachelor must have been using that to find out the most eligible soul mate.

Please note that these questions may be more relevant to the ever growing Indian IT male population. However, they can hold good generally as well.

So, here they come:

1. Which person do you admire the most (Can be from any field but no one in your family) ?

2. Which is your favorite Movie (any language) ?

3. Do you like to watch/play Sports (Any real game) ? If yes, which ones ?

4. Which all places have you seen in India ? (Not stopped by but actually stayed there)

5. What matters to you most ? (This question asks for some quality or a thing but not a person)

6. What do you like eating the most ?

7. Can you define software ? (In layman terms)

8. Thing that you most regret ?

9. Which is the best TV/Print Advertisement that you can remember ?

10. Any questions from me ?

Remember that not all questions may be beneficial to every single boy. But still, the answers to some of these questions may very well give you an idea of the girl you are going to marry.

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