Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Essay Updates

Finally, I decided to gather the strength to think about MBA essays. Yes, I am partly kidding. I am actually taking a short break (around 4-5 days) from essay writing. Over the past 1 month, I was so exhausted by all the essays and the creative thinking that goes into it. The deadlines were the worst. They kept on revolving in my head for the past 1 month. The last week saw those deadlines orbit at enormously high speeds around my head. This forced me to relieve some stress and take a break.

By the way, I am in a fairly reasonable position as far as my essays are concerned.
Out of around 8 schools that I plan to apply, I have already applied to 2.
I have almost final drafts for 2 more schools (Foster and Haas). I will be revising them once more before the final submission.

So that leaves me to write essays for 4 more schools:
1. McCombs
2. Kenan-Flagler
3. Goizueta
4. Kelley

I know their deadlines and still I am taking it easy. May be I am used to it now. There are some essays from these 4 schools which require a totally new perspective. The rest of them can be created using the essays from the first 4 schools.
I think I will miss the deadline for at least one school. Lets see.

Taking a break while writing essays is very important. I did not and that's why spent several sleepless nights last week. Well, watching an odd movie or so does not really constitute a break. You have to completely switch off your mind and not think about the essays. Oops did I just write a blog on Essays ? Not again. Switch off. ssshhhhhh....

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